Mark and his son Tim after riding skateboards 600 miles from Washington DC to Ottawa, Canada
KEYNOTE SPEAKER... GYMNAST... COACH... ADVENTURER... AUTHOR... STORYTELLERMark developed the CAT ZONE Performance mindset as a simple tool to remind himself to always operate from a foundation of relentless CURIOSITY, to fast-track his progress with bold AUDACITY and to crush obstacles with resilient TENACITY.
Mark was slipping into the comfortable habit of predictable familiarity until a single piece of mail dropped into his mailbox shortly after his 49th birthday.
It was his invitation to join AARP (The American Association of Retired People). A stark reminder that time doesn't get put on hold just because you've been putting your dreams on hold. Less than a year later he ran his first 50-mile ultramarathon. Next, a 100-mile run along the Florida Keys was soon followed by a 276-mile run across Pennsylvania. And the list of crazy ideas is still growing! (See below). Now he gets to share everything he learns in fun, engaging keynote speeches with his growing clan of "CAT people" who, like him, want to fully explore and exploit life's fleeting opportunities. |
Feeling the heat. 100 mile run. Key Largo to Key West in one day.
MARK HAS BEEN INSPIRING AUDIENCES FOR OVER 30 YEARSBefore he ever took on a corporate audience he cut his teeth inspiring teenage athletes. Working with kids you quickly discover that young people always learn more by doing than they ever will by just listening. He brings that experience to his corporate keynotes with stories, audience participation challenges and physical demonstrations.
WHEN HE'S NOT ON STAGE OR OFF GETTING NEW STORIES HE' the gym teaching kids at his own gymnastics center in Pennsylvania. Formally a member of the British National team he has been coaching kids since 1982. Mark is a former assistant coach to the US Junior Olympic Men's Team and is the author of "Going For It" a motivational book for teenage athletes.
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